Homelessness and Addiction Recovery Treatment (HART) Hubs
What is a HART Hub
Niagara’s HART Hub is a centre that provides treatment for addictions and/or mental health for individuals experiencing chronic homelessness, while also increasing access to supportive housing.
The HART Hub will offer a wide range of services to clients with complex needs to support them with their recovery goals. The services will include:
· Multidisciplinary team-based care
· Psychiatry
· Primary care
· Peer support
· Indigenous specific supports
· Mental health and addictions treatment
· Housing supports
· Connections to employment
The Hub will also offer opportunities for supportive housing and introduce a new option for highly supportive housing that will provide intensive supports 24/7.
The HART Hub does not provide bed-based addictions treatment. HART Hub providers will work with partners to connect them to that level of care if it is required.
Who HART Hub will Serve
The HART Hub will provide addictions and/or mental health treatment for individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.
Chronic homelessness means a person has experienced homelessness for at least six months in the past year, or 18 months of homelessness in the past 3 years.
The HART Hub provides a range of treatment options for clients with unique needs that may not be met through traditional services.
HART Hub services will be available region-wide with options for in-clinic or community based mobile services.
Connecting clients to HART Hub
Through outreach with individuals on Niagara’s By-Name list, who we know to be experiencing chronic homelessness, we will help connect HART Hub services to those who need it.
Individuals who are not on the By-Name list, who may be eligible for HART Hub services, can be connected by calling 211. The Niagara Assertive Street Outreach team will meet with the individual and add them to the By-Name list.
Niagara’s HART Hub Location
The HART Hub will be found on Queenston Street in St. Catharines and will be co-located with Quest Community Health Centre and De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Services. It will be within walking distance of many other services and resources.
Although the Hub will be centred in St. Catharines, HART Hub services will be available for individuals located anywhere within the Niagara region. Supportive housing units will be located throughout the Niagara region.
When HART Hub services will be available
Niagara’s HART Hub will be open and serving clients by Spring 2025.